Friday 14 December 2012

Beginning to blog...

Well, it appears that through my new appointment as the E-Learning coordinator at Auckland Normal Intermediate for 2013 I have a need to create a blog. Really, I should have started this ages ago, my students blog, everyone I follow on Twitter blog. I really am a bit behind the times!

So I'm keeping this one short and sharp and personal. Who am I? A 23 year old teacher who just completed my second year of teaching at Auckland Normal Intermediate. In these two years I have been a scared beginning teacher, a member of the fabulous Blue Team, the netball coordinator (never again!), a member of a pilot group for Teaching as Inquiry, a teacher within a brand new learning environment  a member of the Core team, and a member of the digital team. It has been my involvement in the school digital team that has really pushed my thinking into a future focus. In the Term Three holidays I attended the ULearn conference at Sky City and my mind began to boggle - look how far we've come in education, and look how far we still have to go.

I am rambling now. So, anyway, as the 2013 E-Learning leader I am going to need A LOT of help. Hopefully this blog will begin to be something a bit more exciting, and help me get in contact with a range of other teachers that are in my position. Follow me on twitter: Alex_Tiley. And, if you know anything about what I am starting on, help me. I definitely need it!